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【 导读 】 郑朝蕾:博士、教授个人简介郑朝蕾,女,教授。2008年9月在天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室完成学业并获得工学博士学位。毕业后任职于重庆大学动力工程学院,主要从事新一代内燃机、混合动力燃烧理论及内燃机燃烧过程数值模拟研究工作。参与了该研究方向多项国家重大课题的研究工作,包括两项国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973项目)和国家自然科学基金重点项目等。到目前为止主持国家级项目4项,包括1项国家自然科...




郑朝蕾,女,教授。20089月在天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室完成学业并获得工学博士学位。毕业后任职于重庆大学动力工程学院,主要从事新一代内燃机、混合动力燃烧理论及内燃机燃烧过程数值模拟研究工作。参与了该研究方向多项国家重大课题的研究工作,包括两项国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973项目)和国家自然科学基金重点项目等。到目前为止主持国家级项目4项,包括1项国家自然科学基金青年基金,1863子课题,2项国家自然科学基金面上项目;参加国家科技支撑计划1项;主持省部级项目1项。近年来在国内外高水平学术刊物发表学术论文 40 余篇,其中 SCI 检索论文 20篇且多次被国际同行引用。博士论文获得天津市优博论文和全国优博论文提名奖。    




1.      内燃机新型燃烧理论

2.      混合动力内燃机燃烧过程及排放控制

3.      替代燃料燃烧过程及排放控制

4.      燃烧反应化学动力学过程





[1]   Zhaolei Zheng*, Zhanfeng Yang. Numerical simulation of the influence of environmental and jet parameters on supercritical injection. Applied thermal engineering, 127: 925-932, 2017. SCI: 000413608400086

[2]   Jie Xiao, Bo Zhang, Zhaolei Zheng*. Development and validation of a reduced chemical kinetic mechanism for HCCI engine of biodiesel surrogate. Acta Physico-chimica Sinica, 39: 1752-1764, 2017. SCI: 000405804300007

[3]   Zhaolei Zheng*, Zhumei Lv. Generation and Analysis for a Skeletal Chemical Kinetic Model of IC8H18 with Nitric Oxide in HCCI Combustion, Acta Physico-chimica Sinica, 32: 1151-1160, 2016. SCI: 000376834100010

[4]   Zhaolei Zheng*, Zhumei Lv. A new skeletal chemical kinetic model of gasoline surrogate fuel with nitric oxide in HCCI combustion, Applied Energy, 147: 59-66, 2015. SCI: 000353755000007

[5]   Zhaolei Zheng*, Xuefeng Tian, Xiaoyu Zhang. Effects of split injection proportion and the second injection time on the mixture formation in a GDI engine under catalyst heating mode using stratified charge strategy, Applied Thermal Engineering, 84: 237-245, 2015. SCI: 000355495700023

[6]   Zhaolei Zheng*, Chuntao Liu, Xuefeng Tian, Xiaoyu Zhang. Numerical study of the effect of piston top contour on GDI engine performance under catalyst heating mode, Fuel, 157:64-72, 2015. SCI: 000355134700009

[7]   Zhaolei Zheng*, Zhenglong Liang. Reduced Chemical Kinetic Model of a Gasoline Surrogate Fuel for HCCI Combustion, Acta Physico-chimica Sinica, 31: 1265-1274, 2015. SCI: 000358399500006

[8]   Feng Wang, Zhaolei Zheng*, A Soot Precursor Formation Embedded Reaction Mechanism of Diesel Surrogate Fuel, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 37:1323-1331, 2015. SCI: 000356384300010

[9]   Ying Wang, Zhaolei Zheng*, Zuwei He, Kinetic Modeling of NO Sensitization of N-heptane Auto-ignition and Combustion, Energy Sources Part A - Recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 37:997-1004, 2015.

[10]         Zhaolei Zheng*, Chuntao Liu, Xiaoyu Zhang. Numerical study of effects of reformed exhaust gas recirculation (REGR) on dimethyl ether HCCI combustion, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39: 8106-8117, 2014. SCI: 000336338500053

[11]         Yiqiang Pei, Zhaolei Zheng*, Bo Zhang, Chemical Kinetic Model Development of Biodiesel Surrogate Fuel and Reaction Path Analysi, Physico-chimica Sinica, 30: 217-226, 2014. SCI: 000330169600003

[12]         Feng Wang, Zhaolei Zheng*, Zuwei He. Reduced PAHs formation Chemical Kinetic Model of Diesel Surrogate Fuel for HCCI Combustion, Energy & Fuels, 26 (3): 1612-1620, 2012. SCI: 000301509300014

[13]         Haifeng Liu, Zhaolei Zheng, Mingfa Yao*, Peng Zhang, Bangquan He, Yonli Qi. Influence of Temperature and Mixture Stratification on HCCI Combustion Using Chemiluminescence Images and CFD Analysis. Applied thermal engineering, 33-34:135:143, 2012. SCI: 000297436400016


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